Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tools for Digital Natives

As I move through this world that we live in I constantly seek a better understanding of how, what, where and why am I continuously seeking a new understanding of life as I see it. I look at my students who are going to be future leaders and ask myself “What can I contribute to these future leaders?” The answer is the way that I, as a teacher seek to impart knowledge as I travel the road of this educational experience.

These students are “Digital Natives” and as such they need digital and technological tools as a part of their educational journey. To this end I began to search for these tools that would enhance the old way of teaching and learning. On my research I have found several different tools and technological methods of imparting knowledge to my students. During this discourse I will share some of this information with you in a hope that it will be of use as you seek the same or a different experience.

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